All signs pointed him back to Tangier, a place where his parents would have to continue the support and one where drugs were freely available. He left in November 1954 and spent the next four years there working on the fiction that would later become Naked Lunch, as well as attempting to write commercial articles about Tangier. He sent these writings to Ginsberg, his literary agent for Junkie, but none were published until 1989 when Interzone, a collection of short stories, was published. Under the strong influence of a marijuana confection known as majoun and a German-made opioid called Eukodol, Burroughs settled in to write. Eventually, Ginsberg and Kerouac, who had traveled to Tangier in 1957, helped Burroughs type, edit, and arrange these episodes into Naked Lunch.adică burroughs a scris naked lunch in tangier, that's why he was there (mă rog, nu numai pentru asta, drogurile şi minorii erau la liber) ! şi de aia trebuia şi pe mine să mă anunţe cineva, ca să nu uit că totuşi a trecut juma de secol de când au apărut pe hârtie rândurile alea scandaloase.
poza e făcută in tangier şi sub ea zice-aşa:
William Seward Burroughs Tanger Villa Mouneria 1961, his garden room, time of intense Cut-up prose expirements, Nova Express tracing controllers of hypertechnologic planetary disaster “along the word lines” of their propaganda imagery back to the image Bank.” Probably a “trust of giant insects in another galaxy” manipulating their human hosts to wreck the earth with radioactive crap so another life form could move in and take over the territory.
(poza e de-aici)
un site aniversar
un articol aniversar
scurte interviuri
how cool is he
trailer-ul unui nou documentar (tot de la serghei)
workshop in tangier, follow the beat :D
ps: eu am citit numa juma din prânzul dezgolit (traducerea mi se păruse fabuloasă), imediat după ce-a apărut la paralela 45, pentru că dup-aia m-am gândit să i-o fac cadou unui amic. să vedem acum cum mai pun eu mâna pe ea :)