joi, 8 iulie 2010

geografie şi somn

dacă tot ne-am trezit aşa de dimineaţă, măcar să ne veselim.
cu hey marseilles.
la rio.

(am senzaţia că băieţii ăştia au citit oraşele invizibile şi , mai ales, voyage autour de ma chambre)

la versailles.

Hey Marseilles - Goodbye Versailles by salulesarpele

iar piesa asta ascultaţi-o, vă rog, în timp ce citiţi let's go sleep japan soon, o proză nu mai lungă de 700 de cuvinte, scrisă de amicul saša stanišić. despre locuri din lume numai bune de adormit.

un fragment, ca să fie de gust:

In Washington we fell asleep in the National Gallery of Art—Matisse, the sleeping pill—but it wasn't only him, it was the troubling nights before; we had made up a new game, decided not to speak during the dark for a week, but you busted the edict right after midnight. You said that I wasn't being silent in English. You said that I was keeping still in a different language, and you felt left out and found it unjust. I couldn't answer. Rules are rules. I was scared that if I opened my mouth it wouldn't be English that came out. So we lay there awake, night after night—me not wanting to sleep unintelligibly next to you, and you trying to understand what I wasn't saying.

2 comentarii:

als spunea...

vaaai, ce tare e aia cu 'matisse - the sleeping pill!'
mie-mi place matisse, da recunosc k are ceva 'soporific' ;P

ps am vz (pe link) k aia e o editie la 'voyage autour de ma chambre' din 1887... a mea e din 1880!

als spunea...

editia mea nu e pe net, of course; ti-o arat cind vii pe la mine ;)